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Image by Howard Bouchevereau


The school have requested funds this year for more Chromebooks (with the aim of having one per child eventually). On top of this there is a need for new iPads, a new projector to replace the old (and often non-working!) ones in every classroom, as well as a portable projector for the hall to allow projection onto different walls. There is also a request for new lighting for the school hall for productions and assemblies.

Image by Markus Spiske


As well as new toys and classroom equipment, this year we will be contributing funds towards a new playground for the reception class. This will include an extension to the existing area, and a new (more secure) gate to replace the current 5-bar gate, providing emergency vehicle access to the school.​

Image by Oakville News


A lot of the wooden equipment in the school playground needs replacing. This year we will therefore also be contributing funds for a new wooden gazebo, new wooden play equipment to replace the current set.

Kids Painting


As in previous years, the Friends will continue to fund the cost of equipment for "golden time" in all classes.

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© 2022 Friends of Little Gaddesden School

Charity Registered in England & Wales No. 1074903

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